In the summer 2022 I decided to go to Dublin, after getting the opportunity to work as a content moderator at Accenture. It was a chance for me […]
Belfast, Northern Ireland
I went to Belfast for a day, took the morning first class style (cause it was so cheap and no more ticket for the second class). It is […]
South Africa 2023
11.2-25.2 i took 2 weeks vacation from work. And with a 15 hours trip, 2 planes and a change in Cairo I landed in Johannesburg on Sunday here […]
Guidelife became Vacationlife
Because of a bad match and too many new people with the inexperienced supervisor I didn’t get the contract, but I had a great time, met some great […]
We wish you a reggae Christmas!
Vi er en 10-12 danske både i Carlisle Bay lige ved bridgetown, og det føles ret meget som en invasion når vi alle går på land og skal […]
Barbados so far
Vi har fundet ud af at barcudaen faktisk er en Wahu. Og vi har mistet en 15 sprutter eller deromkring. Vi har ikke været så meget på land, […]
Turen over atlanten.
Turen over er estimeret til at tage 12 dage med god fart og vinden bagfra. Vi er 6 voksne ombord og 2 børn. skipper: Jakob, admiralen, Pia og […]